Thursday, April 26, 2012

Part one

The first part of the assignment was slightly difficult. Not being able to talk and express myself through my voice. I have no idea how animals communicate with others by only body language and sounds because my partner was getting pretty frustrated with me after about 5 minutes of her talking and me just nodding my head and looking interested in the conversation. I also got a little annoyed with me not being able to communicate back. By me being human and having the intelligence to communicate orally it was very hard for me to try and talk without actually talking.

I beleive that the symbolic culture has a better advantage in communicating only because they were taught how to communicate without speaking and most cultures can understand body lanugage. With a speaking culture not all other cultures may speak the same language as them so it then becomes difficult to communicate with one another if both are speaking different languages.

Part two

We were able to last the 15 minutes but it was very hard for me to not make facial expressions. I caught myself raising my eyebrows a few times during the conversation. My partner I believe lost interest in the conversation because it becaome quite boring. With me not being able to move my hands or make facial expressions I couldnt express myself and I also was very monotone.

The use of signs are very important in our language in my opinon. I believe this because with being able to use hand signs and body language we can go more into how we feel or express our conversations.

Part three

If I was permitted to use written language in part one, it would had been much easier to complete. I say this because with written language you can write down exactly how you feel or say what you want and it be understood as long as the other person can read. Written language helps lots of cultures especially for people who cant physically or verbally express themselves to others.


  1. Your reference to "intelligence" in the first paragraph was very telling. Often we associate the lack of speaking and "normal" communication patterns with a deficiency of intelligence. Why do you think we make that connection, even though it usually isn't true?

    Why do you think our partners get bored when we don't communicate with body language? Is it boredom or discomfort?

    Can you think of a group of people who don't read body language? Can you think of any circumstances where it might be advantageous NOT to read body language? (in the guidelines)

    How does written language impact the spread of ideas (globalization)? What about people who can't read/write?

    Good post.

  2. I also had a very hard time not using my eyebrows when doing part two. It is amazing we do not know how much we use something until we are not allowed to use it at all! I did not realize that our eyebrows were so involved with our showing of emotion!
