Wednesday, May 9, 2012

1.For my blog I chose to interview my mother. Her name is Kim she is African American and born in raised on the southside of Chicago. My mother is 44 and has 4 brothers and sisters with only one brother that is still living today. My mother is also the baby out of her family and has always been treated as so. With her being the youngest we hit some obstacles of her trying to remember certain past family members but she did the best she could.

2.My mom was an easy person to interview due to the fact we have a great talking relationship and also that this isnt the first time she has shared our family history with me. I believe if I had to interview someone else that it would be very awkward at times asking about someones family ancestry. But hearing about our family is amazing to me we are a big family and used to be even bigger before a few deaths that have occured.

3. My mothers side of the family is pretty close. The immediate family gets together almost every week for dinner. Every holiday they switch up whose house will hold the get together where we all barbeque or cook soul food which is a strong part of our culture. Because we get together so often my mom and the family have a strong connection. If someone is in a bind or any kind of need they always come together to help that individual out no matter what. When I asked my mother about the commonalities in some of the family members she described how she believes she is just like my uncle Melvin who passed away over 7 years ago. Out of all of her siblings they were the closest. My uncle Melvin was the oldest, he was easy to get along with loved everyone and was just a lot of fun to be around. My mother explained to me that the family took a big hit when we lost him. Melvin was the main facilitator of the family functions and he and my grandmother were like the glue that held the family together.
Although my mom could describe her parents and siblings very well she really couldnt tell me much about my great aunts and uncles because they are all deceased except one aunt that the family had a falling out with.
The attitudes toward the older and younger individuals in my family are: the older memebers are always trying to run the younger generation no matter if they are kids or young adults. They are always trying to voice their opinon even if no one asked for it. But for the younger family members they arent as close to everyone as the elders. "Most of the youngsters have strayed off" my mother said moving to different cities and states. I was included in the statement since I reside in California for now.
 I believe there is a trend with small and large families. Large families tend to not be as tight knit as a small family has the potential to be because there are so many individuals who have their own families and venture off to be on their own. With smaller families there is a better chance of sticking together and building a bond with each and everyone of your relatives.
In my family there isnt any ethnic differences on my mom's side everyone is African American and are married to another African American.

4. On my moms side of the family I know almost all my relatives but on my fathers side I know no one except for his siblings who I do not have a relationship with at all.
I talk to my relatives on my moms side all the time because thats how we were raised we were so close as kids that everyone is like friends and we can call each other and talk about any and everything. With my dad I do not talk to his family because they are all so spread out within the country you probably wouldnt recognize them if I saw them.
My grandmother is the matriarch of the family. If there is any decision that needs to be made or someone needs help or advice she is always the first person everyone goes to. I believe this is so because my grandmother is a strong christian women who is very intelligent and just an all around good person that you know wont steer you wrong.
The only different attitude in the family based upon gender I would say is the fact that the younger men/boys are allowed to do more things then the women/girls, as far as going out late and going on dates at younger ages. The men just have more lead way in my family.
I learned that since day one with my grandmother and grandfather they wanted to have a close family and through all the years they have succeded with that goal. Like my grandmother always says, "the family that prays together stays together."


  1. I am pretty jealous of your mothers side of the family. I love how close you are and how your Grandmother is the matriarch of your family and they go to her for guidance. The fact that you can call your family and talk about anything and everything is very cool.
    My family is not close like that at all. I pretty much see them once a year for Christmas(sad) except for my mom who lives down the street and my dad and his side , I see them like every few years or so. I would like to be closer to my family like you are to yours. I need to make sure that my children know there family and can feel like you do one day in regards to your mother's side.
    I do know someone named Marcus Beale, maybe it is your dad!

  2. Very interesting post, Marcus. Good job picking out and using the terminology of "matriarch" with your grandmother. I know you discussed your uncle quite a bit, but out of curiosity, who do you think has more say in your family, the women or the men? Or is it pretty balanced? And why do you think boys have more freedom and leeway on behavior than girls?

    Good post.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your post! I think it is so great that you get together with your immediate family every weekend and how you described you take turns going to different people's houses. I also think it is neat that you all are able to help each other out when anyone is in a bind. I think that is exactly what family is for: to be there for support and comfort and to help out when needed.
