Thursday, May 17, 2012

politics and violence

1. In the Yanomamo killing someone can raise your ranks within the village and help you with kinship also but in Western cultures killing is labeled as bad and can result in either death of the murderer or imprisonment.

2. Once someone in a village is killed then the family and sometimes friends of the individual killed rally together and the elder decides if they are going to seek revenge or not. If so they get a group together and travel to the other village and attempt to kill the man who killed their village member. But most of the time they kill the first man they see. They usually just shoot arows at an individual and run before they have been discovered.

3. Once the status of unokais has been obtained, an individual can move up in status and can become more intriguing to women of his village. Non-unokais are made fun of and called cowards and if they are married or courting a woman, men that are unokais tease the woman and make sexual gestures toward her so that she is lured to them. As a man of these kinds of cultural villages they would want to be a unokai because they would want to have kinship with a woman and reproduce they also would like to have status in the village and not be known as a coward.

4. With being a unokais you have some say in the politics of the village but if you are a multiple unokais you can make the rules in your village. In the political structure of the Yanomama culture unokais are the men who take charge and help run the village for they are looked at as the leaders because they have the courage and bravery to actually take a live and revenge other members in the village if they were to be killed.
Revenge killings affect social status also because the Yanomama pride themselves on killing and the men who actually have taken a life are the ones who have the highest status in the villages. If you are not a unokais or have got out of a revenge killing through excuses such as "im sick"then your social status is at the lowest of the low and are known as a coward.
Kinship is affected by revenge killings because most villages are patrilineal and the men from each village are pressured to rally together and revenge the death of an memeber or the village. To gain rank in the villages one must be willing to take the life of someone that has offended the village/family.
Marriage and Reproduction has a huge part in revenge killings. Men have to prove themselves and become unokais to be able to court a woman and keep her as theirs. If you are not a unokais and have a wife you are more likely to lose her because the men that are unokais will challenge you and give gestures to your wife to try and steal her away. So to be somewhat safe in a Yanomama village being a unokais is the best way to have marriage adn reproduction

5. Everyone has their own opinion and every has their own thoughts on what is bad or what is right. Revenge is probably a very strong reason why most people do bad things such as killing or fighting.
If someone was to bring harm to one of my family members I would want to do the same to them. Even though it is wrong I would want to avenge my loved one. Just because something is thought to be bad or that some think no one should want to do something, doesnt mean there isnt someone out there that is going to rebel and do it anyways. We need laws to protect us from those that do what they want and have their own ways of living.


  1. Are there no circumstances in Western cultures where killing is seen as justified? Is it as black and white as you have described?

    How do revenge killings impact reproductive success? Polygyny?

    Good final paragraph. Yes, just because it is wrong doesn't mean someone might not want to act in such a way.

  2. I like how you stated that there are still people out there that will do what they want wether it is right or wrong. When something like that occurs it is instinctual for us humans to get angry and want to hurt the person who has hurt us. You also stated that the laws protect us from those type of people. I don't know if that is always the case but is definitely helpful. In cases where the law fails to protect us from those type of monsters then should it be ok to take revenge or should we rely on the law to catch the criminal?

  3. I agree with you Marcus that revenge is probably at the core of many crimes and murders that take place. Ones ties to their loved ones and unexpected loss can cause one to do things that they normally would never have done before. This goes for the Western culture as well as for the Yanomamo population. Many of the Yanomamo's battles stemmed from blood revenge which resulted in multiples losses in both the villages being raided as well as those performing the raids. Without such loss of their kin, such raids may not have ever been necessary.
