Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Art as culture

A. I believe the cave artist where trying to tell a story using the animals they see in there everyday life. Showing how sacred each animal is to them.
B. Being of mostly hunters and gatherers these animals such as horses, cows, and stags played a big role in the artist life. These animals depended on the cultures survival. Without the meat of the animals many would starve.
C. They werent savage people who just wanted to hunt and kill. They were passionate and smart enough to take time out of there day to paint or carve a story into the cave. Leaving behind there thoughts and views on the outside world. It showed what animals were most important to the artist.
D. Some difficulties that had to be navigated to paint these pictures would probably be finding the right tools that would be able to carve into stone or finding the right colors or paint that would stick to the cave walls and stay for years and years. Being able to draw animals just off of memory and what they felt the animal looked like in their mind.
E. Three functions I believe are apart of the art to early humans would be:
Myth- the unicorn in the cave is a mythical creature that is non existent
Symbolic expression- drawing from natural forms but representing only their basic patterns or arrangements
Kinship- symbolically expressed in stylized motifs and colorful designes etched or painted on any surface imaginable.

Some functions that are comparable to art of early humans and modern humans are:
kinship- people today still use art to gain the attention of someone they are interested in courting or have already courted and want to just express how they feel about that special someone. In early humans they used art to express themselfs in stylize motifs and colorful designs etched or painted on human skin, animal hides or bones, pottery, wood, and rocks.
I also believe that political themes are common between early humans and modern humans. using art no matter if its paintings or verbal to show what they stand for or what they believe in.

3. The art form I am interested in is music/ hip hop
For most people who sing or rap hip hop music they create songs to express themselves on how they are feeling, how they grew up, what area they grew up in, and sometimes even to gain a significant other.
Hip Hop is a culture of its own that is more of a urban type of music the style has changed so much that each individual does what he or she wants and dresses they way the feel is fit to their style.
With this art form the culture all depends on the persons own "swagg" and also where they are from each city and state has its own style of hip hop music from gangster rap, jerk music, old school hip hop, freestyling, etc..
Hip hop has some benefit to society those that are from certain neighborhoods pick up music to keep out of trouble and off the streets. But there is some detrimental affects also. When gang members get involved in hip hop and make music about there set and how the sale drugs it gives a bad impression on our youth. Hip hop is so large and multi cultural that it should be used for good positive things.

Below is a link about hip hop and how it changed the world.


  1. Why "sacred"? How about just "important"? What is it about the paintings which suggest spirituality to you?

    Good discussion on insight into the culture and difficulties with the painting process.

    The background research said that the "mythical" explanation of the "unicorn" was the least likely explanation. It may have represented a carnivore. Not sure about the political function, though that is possible. What do you see in the paintings that suggests that? Regarding the other functions, how about recording animal migrations? Seasonality? Record keeping? Education of the younger generation?

    Very good discussion on the hip hop culture.

  2. The paints used in the cave were pretty long-lasting, but some have worn down considerably or even completely. It was said that there was evidence of organic materials used as paints - materials that would fade away with time, unlike the mineral paints that are still present today. I wonder if those organic paints would have revealed something different or new.

    About the hip hop... I know least about this culture probably more than any other. So I have a question. Similar to the "video game debate," where violent games are under fire for sparking and stoking violent behavior in kids, do you feel it's the same for hip hop, which has, I believe, recieved similar criticisms? Do you think the benefits overall outweigh the negatives?
    Is it ever fair to blame an act of violence on music, or is there more to it than that?
